The State Auditor’s Office has released an Audit Report on 14 Selected Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas. The Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District located in Burnet County was one of the districts audited for their achievement of selected groundwater management plan goals and compliance with selected statutory requirements. If a district achieved all the objectives for a goal during all fiscal years reviewed, auditors concluded that the district had fully achieved that goal. Texas Water Code, Chapter 36 specifies requirements for the manner in which districts must operate and audit objectives were to determine whether selected districts complied with applicable statutes.
The Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District was the only District of the 14 audited that both fully achieved all management goals and fully complied with all Texas Water Code statutory requirements. The Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District was not required to provide responses to the report because auditors did not identify any findings or make any recommendations for the district.
General Manager Charles Shell , Administrative Assistant, Donnita Coats and District Hydrologist, Mitchell Sodek consider it an honor to have achieved this recognition and will continue to serve the citizens of Burnet County. The staff recognizes previous General Manager, Richard Bowers, for his contribution to this achievement.